Take some time to work the mind muscle by letting the thoughts come and go without judgement.
Take a moment to take notice of what thoughts are coming and going. Do this without judgement.
Breathe and keep coming back to these thoughts and just notice.
For the next 5-10 minutes select a "Home Base." This could be a body part, sensation or sound in your environment. The just try to bring your mind back to this "home base" without judgement each time it wanders.
Take a few moments and just breath without doing anything.
When you are ready open your eyes and go about your day.
Take a moment to feel into your core, right in the belly area. See how it feels without any judgement.
Breathe and keep coming back to this area - your "home base" if your mind takes you in different directions - it will. It isn't about stopping the mind from doing this, it is about repeatedly coming back to your home base. This is the practice.
Take a moment to take a body scan, going from area to area and taking notice from head all the way to toes, very slowly and mindfully. The practice is to notice the areas. Once you have completed sit in silence and just be.
When you are ready open your eyes and go about your day.
Take a moment to feel into the body and sit with good posture. Find your home base and begin to focus on this. Always bringing the focus back to this area no matter how many times your mind may wander away.
Take a deep breath and release after several minutes, then begin a body scan. Start from the head all the way to the toes feeling each part of your body for however long feels good to you.
Deep breath then release this, finally take a moment to feel a sensation in your body. Keep focus on this area and bring your mind back to this each time it wanders away as well.
When you are ready open your eyes and go about you day.
Start meditation with some deep breaths and a body scan if you would like.
Begin tapping by tapping lightly in the following areas for about 5 to 10 seconds:
Top of Head
Between Eye Brows
Under Nose
Pec muscle area of chest
Under arms
Keep going with the cycle as many times as feels good - you can feel the release of energy as you go along.
Take some time to sit and reflect after you complete.
Start meditation with some deep breaths - you can either go through a short body scan or some tapping - a few cycles.
Begin with energizing breath work.
4 counts breath in through the nose
2 counts breath hold
4 counts breath out through the mouth
Repeat as many times as you would like.
End with relaxation breath work.
4counts breath in through the nose
1 count breath hold
6 counts breath out through the mouth
Repeat as many times as you would like.
Sit in silence without the specific breath work exercises and see how you feel. Reflect and move on with you day.
Start with slowing down your breath and coming into your meditation posture.
Gratitude practice brings in several steps of gratitude.
Begin with Gratitude for yourself and all you do and are right now today. Repeat the mantra: I am grateful for me just as I am.
Next picture an individuals you care above very much. Repeat the mantra: I am grateful for this person because they (fill in the blank).
Next picture a person that you have a harder time connecting with. Repeat the mantra: I am grateful for this person even though sometimes we (fill in the blank).
Finally picture all the world. Repeat the Mantra: I am grateful for the world and all it has to offer.
Take a moment to just be in this gratitude and rest in your breath.
Start to begin to move and head into your day, see how the feeling of gratitude feels today.